Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Found Some Good..... Sort of

There are some good things in this bill that passed. Like, with both of the bills, they cover 32 million uninsured Americans and try to get rid of or improve unpopular practices of the insurance companies. In a decade the deficit should reduce by an estimated $143 billion. My question is, with this administrations spending habits, how high will the deficit be in a decade?
I give them props, there is no public option, which was something that was protested highly. They also have eliminated the pre-existing condition problems. I mean there are SOME good things in this bill but not a whole lot.
Why would we want our student loans to be in the hands of the government? Oh, you thought I was just going to talk about health care? well the bill doesn't just involve health care. One of the many earmarks in the bill, that people don't want, is taking away banks and private lenders ability to originate student loans. Oh goody, the government now controls some other way of DISTRIBUTING money.
The president said something interesting, might make a few people mad, but he doesn't seem to care what the American people think. "From this day forward, all of the cynics, all of the naysayers--they're going to have to confront the reality of what this reform is and what it isn't," President Obama said. "They'll have to finally acknowledge this isn't a government takeover of out health care system."
I want to know how is it not? I mean by 2014, if you don't have health insurance you will be fined. I don't agree with FORCING me to have health insurance, that is my right to have it or not. I think the government should stay away from giving me rights, thats not their job. They are supposed to protect my "alienable rights" that every American has.
The fact that the government is trying to give us rights, the fact that they are slowly getting control over every dime I get, is really starting to scare me. The bill that is not only about health care is spending A LOT of our money, we shouldn't let that happen.

Found this information by watching Fox News and from the Associated Press

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